Interview Center Jobs

Interview centre job Århus, Copenhagen or Oslo

We are continuously looking for Swedes, Norwegians or Danes for part time or full time employment – in Århus, Oslo or Copenhagen.

We carry out interviews with businesses – most often in the North but also in other languages than the Nordic ones.

We educate our interviewers thoroughly. The course includes learning about our software, our ethics, value concepts, interview philosophy as well as practical training. In the beginning you will be assigned a personal coach to help you along. – It is our ambition to be the absolute best in the North at business-interviews.

The working hours are from 8:30-16:00. You will get a fixed salary. We aim to be at the top regarding hourly wages compared to similar jobs. Initially, during the course, you will receive a beginner salary.
The wage is regulated as you are developing.

We can offer you:

  • A job with purpose
  • A team that has an idea of positively separating itself from the rest
  • You will participate, with your team, in thorough project briefings – that our consultants will introduce
  • You will be interacting closely with colleagues from numerous nations – in a friendly environment
  • You will be part of realising our new interview-philosophy
  • The results of you team’s work will be presented to you
  • You will be interviewing people in leader positions
  • Your work will matter
  • We are a mix of part time and full time employees
  • We have full time employees who have been with us for 5-10 years
  • If you are studying, the job can be relevant for study or business purposes
  • If you are interested, we offer internal courses in market research etc., with pay
  • A lot of students use us on their resumes as a seal of quality
  • The job has for 8 interviewers led to a different job at Aalund (consultant, graphic designer etc.)
  • We have annual social events (summer party, DHL-race, Christmas party etc.)
  • You yourself can arrange social events, that we will support
  • We also make new social activities every month


Does this sound like the job for you? Then send your application with your resume via our job portal and you will hear from us quickly.