Aalund Expert Panels – Overview

Aalund works with the development of in-depth panel discussions, where the topic being debated is cut and edited into a video, with concrete proposals for a company or an industry.
Below you can see which industries and subjects we currently cover. Click on "view product" to see the specific information material and video for this subject and discover where you can get help for your business - depending on problem area.
PR Barometer Samhälle
En nyutvecklad tjänst där vi kan erbjuda dig praktiska insikter och lösningar genom våra expertpaneler.:
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Banken set med virksomhedslederens øjne
Den aktuelle video, som vi vil tilbyde dig, er speciel, fordi den dels tager udgangspunkt i Generation Z ledere og dels kigger på banken som begreb – set med en leders øjne.
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