Marianne Hansen
Marianne Hansen has worked at Aalund since 2005. She has taken a wide array of courses covering various IT tools and, on top of that, she has experience in sales, graphics, IT, accounting, software etc.
She knows everyone at Aalund and is a central character to everyone in all functions.
Marianne has knowledge of most processes at Aalund and, having worked here for so long, she has insight into how issues are solved and why.
Marianne is responsible when it comes to liquidity, invoices, contracts, purchasing, pension schemes, and a majority of our economic management tools as well as relations with several categories of suppliers. This includes suppliers from Norway and Sweden.
Marianne handles Aalund’s HR and she manages complex salary payments in a number of countries.
With previous employments in other industries, Marianne is the perfect Head of Administration for Aalund.